Crackwatch.com is temporarily closing but will be back soon!
As you know, Crackwatch.com's only source of revenue is from affiliate game sells on Instant-Gaming, Gamivo and Kinguin.
As very little AAA games are being released right now, our advertising revenue is very low and we can no longer afford to pay for servers.
We could try more intrusive ads but we respect you guys too much for that! We would rather temporarily close Crackwatch.com for a few months until more AAA games are releasing.
In the meantime we will also keep working on V4 which should be much more optimized for servers and cost less to run.
Make sure to only trust Crackwatch.com for your source of updates as we have no social account like Telegram, Facebook, Discord, etc... or other websites.
You can continue to support us by buying games using the banners below.
Thank you all for being such an awesome community! See you soon!
Crackwatch暂时关闭,you know,咱这嘎达唯一收入来源是卖正版游戏的提成,最近3A大作发售很少,所以咱收入骤降,负担不起服务器费用了。咱打算关掉几个月,等3A游戏发售潮来临。咱没有facebook,憋听人瞎说。