How and Where to Play The Games
The lone DoCoMo Java (DoJa) emulator available is embedded within DoCoMo's official DoJa 5.1 SDK. Collaborating with LNRC, I created a portable version of this emulator housing the Rockman games. You can download it here (mirror). Extract the file to a folder with no spaces or special characters. Follow the steps in the readme closely; all resources are included.
Please note that the SDK's emulator isn't flawless—it encounters performance glitches with 3D games and audio stuttering when there's several objects on screen. In 5 Islands, this audio issue can be resolved by accessing the options menu through the maps menu to reset the audio. Meanwhile, team member XerTheSquirrel is developing SquirrelJME, an inclusive Java Micro Edition emulator to support DoJa apps. Once completed, these games will operate on a more stable framework.
唯一可用的 DoCoMo Java (DoJa) 模擬器內嵌在 DoCoMo 的官方 DoJa 5.1 SDK 中。我與 LNRC 合作製作了這個模擬器的可攜式版本,內含 Rockman 遊戲。您可以在這裡下載(鏡像)。將檔案解壓縮到一個沒有空格或特殊符號的資料夾。請嚴格遵循 readme 中的步驟;所有資源都包含在內。
請注意,SDK 的模擬器並非完美無瑕,它在 3D 遊戲中會遇到效能問題,而且當螢幕上有多個物件時,音訊會出現卡頓。在 5 Islands 中,可透過地圖選單存取選項選單來重設音訊,以解決此音訊問題。與此同時,團隊成員 XerTheSquirrel 正在開發 SquirrelJME,這是一款支援 DoJa 應用程式的包容性 Java Micro Edition 模擬器。一旦完成,這些遊戲將可在更穩定的架構上運作。