
三级用户 UVB76 3月前 1128



(PlayStation Taiou)

(Gentei Set)


 (Rev 1)(Rev 2)...

 (Major Wave)



(Bonus PSone Codes!) 



(Angelique History)

(Artdink Best Choice)


 (Shokai Genteiban)


 (Tentou-you Special CD-ROM)


 (Tokusei Premium Disc)

  • 四级用户 wNg333 3月前



    • (PlayStation Taiou) - PlayStation对应版本。

    • (Gentei Set) - 限定版套装。

    • (Taikenban) - 体验版。

    • (Rev 1)(Rev 2) - 修订版1和修订版2。

    • (Major Wave) - 主要波段版本,通常指重新发行的版本。

    • (EDC) - 带有错误检测和校正功能的版本。

    • (Unl) - 未授权版本,通常是盗版。

    • (Bonus PSone Codes!) - 附带PSone额外代码的版本。

    • (Fukkokuban) - 复刻版。

    • (Revised) - 修订版。

    • (Angelique History) - 《安琪莉可》系列历史版本。

    • (Artdink Best Choice) - Artdink公司精选版本。

    • (Reprint) - 再版。

    • (Shokai Genteiban) - 初回限定版。

    • (Genteiban) - 限定版。

    • (Tentou-you Special CD-ROM) - 店头用特别CD-ROM。

    • (Append) - 附加版。

    • (Tokusei Premium Disc) - 特制高级光盘。

  • 三级用户 icemould 3月前



    Standard Codes:
    • [!] Verified Good Dump. Thank God for these!
    • [a] Alternate -  This is simply an alternate version of a ROM. Many games have been re-released to fix bugs or even to eliminate Game Genie codes (Yes, Nintendo hates that device). [a1], [a2], etc - Alternate version. Another acceptable dump.
    • [b] Bad Dump (avoid these, they may not work!) - A bad dump often occurs with an older game or a faulty dumper (bad connection). Another common source of [b] ROMs is a corrupted upload to a release FTP.  [b1], [b2], etc - Bad dump. You almost certainly don't want to download this.
    • (Beta) - Beta cartridge. This is an unfinished build of a game.
    • [c] - Cracked
    • [c] - Checksum. - CRC32, SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5. - In simplest terms, a checksum is a number, usually in hexadecimal, that is unique to a file. An algorithm is run on the file that compares all of its binary data, and produces a unique number as a result. Modifying a single byte, or even a single bit, in a file can completely change its checksum. Because checksums are (mostly) completely unique, they're a great way to quickly compare files to make sure that all of the data in each file are one-hundred-percent exactly identical. This way, if you have a ROM with a checksum that matches the checksum provided on Romhacking.net, you're (mostly) guaranteed to have the correct ROM for the patch you want.
    • (###) Checksum
    • [x] - Bad checksum.
    • [f] - Fixed - A fixed game has been altered in some way so that it will run better on a copier or emulator. [f1], [f2], etc - Fixed. Edited (cracked) to work in emulators.
    • [t] - Trained
    • [h] - Hack - Something in this ROM is not quite as it should be. Often a hacked ROM simply has a changed header or has been enabled to run in different regions. Other times it could be a release group intro, or just some kind of cheating or funny hack. [h1], [h2], etc - Hack. Something about this cartridge has been changed, probably by pirates. The change is likely not noticeable. [h1C], [h2C], etc - Hack. Something about this cartridge has been changed, definitly by Chinese pirates.
    • [hI] - Intro hack.
    • (M#) Multilanguage (# of Languages)
    • (MP) - Mega Play.
    • (multiboot) - GBA multiboot. This is the data booted on a GBA through a link cable.
    • [t] Trained - A trainer is special code which executes before the game is begun. It allows you to access cheats from a menu. [t1], [t2], etc - Trained. The ROM has been edited to alter stats or other gameplay mechanics.
    • [T] - Translation
    • [T-] OldTranslation
    • [T+] NewerTranslation
    • [o] Overdump - An overdumped ROM image has more data than is actually in the cart. The extra information means nothing and is removed from the true image.[o1], [o2], etc - Overdump. Lots of extra data on the end, which is likely garbage.
    • (Proto) - Prototype cartridge. This is an unfinished build of a game.
    • [p] Pirate - [p1], [p2], etc - Pirate version. The pirates changed something about the cartridge. Likely a simple removal of copywrites or a multipack.
    • (??k) ROM Size
    • (Unl) Unlicensed - Probably a pirate.
    • (-) Unknown Year
    • ZZZ_ - Unclassified
    • (V1.0), (V1.1), etc - Version number.
    • (REV00), (REV01), etc - Revision number.
    Special Codes:
    • (M#) - Multilanguage (# of Languages)
    • [M] - Mono Only (NeoGeo Pocket)
    • (PC10) - PlayChoice 10 (NES)
    • (Adam) - ADAM Version (Coleco)
    • (PAL) - PAL Video
    Game Boy
    • [C] - Color GameBoy
    • [S] - Super GameBoy
    • [BF] Bung Fix - Bung released a programmable cartridge compatable with the GameBoy which could hold any data you wished to play. However, many games do not function on Bung v1.0 carts and have to be ‘fixed.’ The "Bung Fix" is a previously made patch for the game, designed to fix the garbled map bug when running the game on Bung carts. It should fix it on the EMS ones, as well. Not sure if you can find the patch alone, but GoodGB lists the ROM as "Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (V1.0) (UE) [BF]". In the GoodGBx romsets, variants will have a (BF) tag in the file name which denotes they have been "Bung Fixed". You could try using those.
    Super Nintendo
    • (BS) BS ROMs - These Japanese ROMs were distributed through a satellite system in Japan known as the Broadcast Satellaview. They were transmitted along with a TV show which was connected to the game in some way. These games were only playable during the show, and thus stop after an hour, and many were timed so that only certain time periods were playable.
    • (ST) Sufami Turbo - The Sufami Turbo device allowed two GameBoy sized carts to be plugged into the SNES. Certain carts combined into new games much like the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on technology by Sega.
    • (NP) Nintendo Power - Nintendo Power has been known to release games only available to its subscribers. Most of these ROMs are Japanese, as this practice occured mainly in Japan.
    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
    • (1) Japan - Carts with this code will run on both Japanese and Korean machines.
    • (4) USA - While this code is technically the same as a (U) code, it is a newer header format and represents that the cart will run on USA and Brazil NTSC machines.
    • (5) NTSC Only
    • (8) PAL Only
    • (B) Brazil - This country code indicates that it’s intended for Brazil audiences.
    • [c] Checksum - This code represents a cart with known faulty checksum routines.
    • [x] Bad Checksum
    • [R-] Countries
    • [PC10] Playchoice 10 version
    • [VS] Vs Version - The Versus system ran on similar hardware to the PC10 machines, but simply allowed you to play against each other.
    • (U)=USA
    • (E)=Europe
    • (J)=Japan
    • (G)=Germany
    • (JU)=USA/Japan
    • (JE)=Europe/Japan
    • (JUE)=USA/Europe/Japan
    • (C) China
    • (HK) Hong Kong
    • (K) Korea
    • (F) World (Genesis)
    • (1) Japan & Korea
    • (4) USA & Brazil - NTSC
    • (A) Australia
    • (B) Brazil
    • (NL) Netherlands
    • (PD) Public Domain
    • (F) France
    • (S) Spain
    • (FC) French Canadian
    • (SW) Sweden
    • (FN) Finland
    • (UK) England
    • (GR) Greece
    • (Unk) Unknown Country
    • (I) Italy
    • (H) Holland
    • (Unl) Unlicensed

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最新回复 (8)
  • 五级用户 花剌子模7 3月前
    0 2


  • 三级用户 icemould 3月前
    5 3



    Standard Codes:
    • [!] Verified Good Dump. Thank God for these!
    • [a] Alternate -  This is simply an alternate version of a ROM. Many games have been re-released to fix bugs or even to eliminate Game Genie codes (Yes, Nintendo hates that device). [a1], [a2], etc - Alternate version. Another acceptable dump.
    • [b] Bad Dump (avoid these, they may not work!) - A bad dump often occurs with an older game or a faulty dumper (bad connection). Another common source of [b] ROMs is a corrupted upload to a release FTP.  [b1], [b2], etc - Bad dump. You almost certainly don't want to download this.
    • (Beta) - Beta cartridge. This is an unfinished build of a game.
    • [c] - Cracked
    • [c] - Checksum. - CRC32, SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5. - In simplest terms, a checksum is a number, usually in hexadecimal, that is unique to a file. An algorithm is run on the file that compares all of its binary data, and produces a unique number as a result. Modifying a single byte, or even a single bit, in a file can completely change its checksum. Because checksums are (mostly) completely unique, they're a great way to quickly compare files to make sure that all of the data in each file are one-hundred-percent exactly identical. This way, if you have a ROM with a checksum that matches the checksum provided on Romhacking.net, you're (mostly) guaranteed to have the correct ROM for the patch you want.
    • (###) Checksum
    • [x] - Bad checksum.
    • [f] - Fixed - A fixed game has been altered in some way so that it will run better on a copier or emulator. [f1], [f2], etc - Fixed. Edited (cracked) to work in emulators.
    • [t] - Trained
    • [h] - Hack - Something in this ROM is not quite as it should be. Often a hacked ROM simply has a changed header or has been enabled to run in different regions. Other times it could be a release group intro, or just some kind of cheating or funny hack. [h1], [h2], etc - Hack. Something about this cartridge has been changed, probably by pirates. The change is likely not noticeable. [h1C], [h2C], etc - Hack. Something about this cartridge has been changed, definitly by Chinese pirates.
    • [hI] - Intro hack.
    • (M#) Multilanguage (# of Languages)
    • (MP) - Mega Play.
    • (multiboot) - GBA multiboot. This is the data booted on a GBA through a link cable.
    • [t] Trained - A trainer is special code which executes before the game is begun. It allows you to access cheats from a menu. [t1], [t2], etc - Trained. The ROM has been edited to alter stats or other gameplay mechanics.
    • [T] - Translation
    • [T-] OldTranslation
    • [T+] NewerTranslation
    • [o] Overdump - An overdumped ROM image has more data than is actually in the cart. The extra information means nothing and is removed from the true image.[o1], [o2], etc - Overdump. Lots of extra data on the end, which is likely garbage.
    • (Proto) - Prototype cartridge. This is an unfinished build of a game.
    • [p] Pirate - [p1], [p2], etc - Pirate version. The pirates changed something about the cartridge. Likely a simple removal of copywrites or a multipack.
    • (??k) ROM Size
    • (Unl) Unlicensed - Probably a pirate.
    • (-) Unknown Year
    • ZZZ_ - Unclassified
    • (V1.0), (V1.1), etc - Version number.
    • (REV00), (REV01), etc - Revision number.
    Special Codes:
    • (M#) - Multilanguage (# of Languages)
    • [M] - Mono Only (NeoGeo Pocket)
    • (PC10) - PlayChoice 10 (NES)
    • (Adam) - ADAM Version (Coleco)
    • (PAL) - PAL Video
    Game Boy
    • [C] - Color GameBoy
    • [S] - Super GameBoy
    • [BF] Bung Fix - Bung released a programmable cartridge compatable with the GameBoy which could hold any data you wished to play. However, many games do not function on Bung v1.0 carts and have to be ‘fixed.’ The "Bung Fix" is a previously made patch for the game, designed to fix the garbled map bug when running the game on Bung carts. It should fix it on the EMS ones, as well. Not sure if you can find the patch alone, but GoodGB lists the ROM as "Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (V1.0) (UE) [BF]". In the GoodGBx romsets, variants will have a (BF) tag in the file name which denotes they have been "Bung Fixed". You could try using those.
    Super Nintendo
    • (BS) BS ROMs - These Japanese ROMs were distributed through a satellite system in Japan known as the Broadcast Satellaview. They were transmitted along with a TV show which was connected to the game in some way. These games were only playable during the show, and thus stop after an hour, and many were timed so that only certain time periods were playable.
    • (ST) Sufami Turbo - The Sufami Turbo device allowed two GameBoy sized carts to be plugged into the SNES. Certain carts combined into new games much like the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on technology by Sega.
    • (NP) Nintendo Power - Nintendo Power has been known to release games only available to its subscribers. Most of these ROMs are Japanese, as this practice occured mainly in Japan.
    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
    • (1) Japan - Carts with this code will run on both Japanese and Korean machines.
    • (4) USA - While this code is technically the same as a (U) code, it is a newer header format and represents that the cart will run on USA and Brazil NTSC machines.
    • (5) NTSC Only
    • (8) PAL Only
    • (B) Brazil - This country code indicates that it’s intended for Brazil audiences.
    • [c] Checksum - This code represents a cart with known faulty checksum routines.
    • [x] Bad Checksum
    • [R-] Countries
    • [PC10] Playchoice 10 version
    • [VS] Vs Version - The Versus system ran on similar hardware to the PC10 machines, but simply allowed you to play against each other.
    • (U)=USA
    • (E)=Europe
    • (J)=Japan
    • (G)=Germany
    • (JU)=USA/Japan
    • (JE)=Europe/Japan
    • (JUE)=USA/Europe/Japan
    • (C) China
    • (HK) Hong Kong
    • (K) Korea
    • (F) World (Genesis)
    • (1) Japan & Korea
    • (4) USA & Brazil - NTSC
    • (A) Australia
    • (B) Brazil
    • (NL) Netherlands
    • (PD) Public Domain
    • (F) France
    • (S) Spain
    • (FC) French Canadian
    • (SW) Sweden
    • (FN) Finland
    • (UK) England
    • (GR) Greece
    • (Unk) Unknown Country
    • (I) Italy
    • (H) Holland
    • (Unl) Unlicensed

  • 四级用户 wNg333 3月前
    5 4



    • (PlayStation Taiou) - PlayStation对应版本。

    • (Gentei Set) - 限定版套装。

    • (Taikenban) - 体验版。

    • (Rev 1)(Rev 2) - 修订版1和修订版2。

    • (Major Wave) - 主要波段版本,通常指重新发行的版本。

    • (EDC) - 带有错误检测和校正功能的版本。

    • (Unl) - 未授权版本,通常是盗版。

    • (Bonus PSone Codes!) - 附带PSone额外代码的版本。

    • (Fukkokuban) - 复刻版。

    • (Revised) - 修订版。

    • (Angelique History) - 《安琪莉可》系列历史版本。

    • (Artdink Best Choice) - Artdink公司精选版本。

    • (Reprint) - 再版。

    • (Shokai Genteiban) - 初回限定版。

    • (Genteiban) - 限定版。

    • (Tentou-you Special CD-ROM) - 店头用特别CD-ROM。

    • (Append) - 附加版。

    • (Tokusei Premium Disc) - 特制高级光盘。

  • 四级用户 ecolzero 3月前
    1 5
    顶一下。我对收藏 分类没什么兴趣,下rom 也只留爱玩的游戏,其他做个图鉴看看就行了
  • 五级用户 110119diDI 3月前
    0 6
  • 五级用户 lansejita 3月前
    1 7
     (Rev 1)(Rev 2)这个个人感觉就是制作商发现bug修复后重新发行了,毕竟以前没有数字版,只能重新压盘做卡带,用 (Rev 1)当补丁的代号吧。
  • 三级用户 UVB76 3月前
    0 8
  • 三级用户 UVB76 3月前
    0 9
    lansejita (Rev 1)(Rev 2)这个个人感觉就是制作商发现bug修复后重新发行了,毕竟以前没有数字版,只能重新压盘做卡带,用 (Rev 1)当补丁的代号吧。 话说回来,感觉现在有数字版后,制作商就开始 ...
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