Please don't do this if you actually are a child whose parents have installed the restrictions for your safety, this is for the situations where somebody has enabled them without your will or if you are a parent who has forgotten their childs PIN. 如果你是个娃,就别尝试做这个事了。
1. Go into parental controls and say you've forgotten your PIN, keep doing this until it says to phone nintendo. 进入管理界面选择你忘记了密码,一直下一步直到要求打电话给老任。 2. Enter the inquiry number and the systems date into 在这个网站里输入 inquiry number(应该是类似诊断码) 和系统日期 3. Enter the key given as a result as the master key on your 3ds. 3ds上输入生成的代码 4. Done!