
四级用户 shine454 2023-5-19 4713


1.下载Steam上的试玩版,进游戏玩一会,退出来,把试玩下载的Dead Space (2023)整个游戏文件夹复制到其他地方。

2.把学习文件下下来解压然后全部扔到复制好游戏的根目录里,打开Steam setting,有一个force_steamid.txt的文件,去Steam里找到自己的ID复制进这个文件保存(不会找id的自行百度下)。


ps:游戏字幕改中文:Dead Space (2023)\steam_settings\settings\language.txt 里面改成schinese


size=1.3em]Dead Space Remake Trial Exploit

1. Download the Dead Space (2023) free trial from steam launch the game atleast once to generate denuvo token

2. Copy the Dead Space (2023) folder to somewhere else use this folder from now on

3. Paste the crack in it open force_steamid.txt in steam settings folder and put your steam64 id in it you can look at this from your profile login from browser and look at the 7xxxxxxxxx ( 17 number ) copy this number to paste in force_steamid.txt save ( or you can look at it from appmanifest_1693980 from steamapps folder open with notepad and look at the "LastOwner" line right next to that is the 17 number you need

4. Close steam completely and launch the game with Dead Space.exe or steamclient_loader.exe if the game launch then it done you can safely delete the game from steam and play with goldberg emu instead

If you want to double check restart once after launch the game atleast one and after restart try to close steam and launch again if it work then your token is secured just block window update until you done with the game

Make sure you put the right steam64 id or else the game won't work don't copy from someone else only get steam64 id from the account you use to launch the trial version! in force_steamid.txt there should be only 17 number and nothing else that all.

上一篇:64g tf卡已经不到10块了
最新回复 (4)
  • 七级用户 miku233 2023-5-19
    0 2




  • 四级用户 shine454 2023-5-19
    0 3
    miku233 这不就是网上离线游玩D加密的方法吗......所有D加密都可以这样玩,先买了下载,进游戏之后退出,然后把文件拷进去,就可以离线玩了,然后从网页上退款这个免费试玩只是省了买下游戏然后退款这个步骤而已
  • 七级用户 miku233 2023-5-19
    1 4
    shine454 还是有些不一样,已经完全脱离steam运行了,后面再上线也无所谓了。相当于没有加密
  • 四级用户 万年老三吉良吉影大叔 2023-5-19
    0 5
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