Analogue Pocket今天发来的邮件,请购买了的人进来

五级用户 失眠暴力卡卡 2022-10-17 2382

Pocket Preorders

95% of all Pocket preorders (Group B & C) begin shipping in October and through the end of the year. The small amount of remaining orders will ship in 2023 as soon as possible. We will begin with shipping Group B and then ship Group C orders chronologically.

You can view your fulfillment status on the order status page which was sent in the email confirming your preorder. Your status will be one of the following.

  • Pending: Your order is awaiting fulfillment. Please check back for more information later.
  • Preparing: Your order is ready to ship. If you need to change your shipping address or wish to cancel your order, please do so in the timeframe stated on your order status page. We will email you once your order is preparing.
  • Processing: Your order is now with our fulfillment partner and will be with you shortly. Please note that once an order is processing we cannot accept any address changes or cancellations.

We will email you when your order is being prepared and allow for address changing and order cancelation. Please do not email us enquiring when your order will ship, to change your address or to cancel as this will slow down fulfillment and customer service. You can view your fulfillment status on the order status page at any time for the most up to date information found in your order confirmation email.




最新回复 (7)
  • 管理员 Oldman 2022-10-17
    0 2
  • 五级用户 woshikay 2022-10-17
    0 3
    Oldman 我会不会是那5%
    买的早应该不会= = 我半个月前刚买。。。。。。
  • 五级用户 woshikay 2022-10-17
    0 4
    我都没收到这个邮件 5%了= =
  • 五级用户 失眠暴力卡卡 2022-10-17
    0 5
    woshikay 我都没收到这个邮件 5%了= =
  • 五级用户 woshikay 2022-10-17
    0 6
    失眠暴力卡卡 我目前的状态还是Pending,等过几天再看看
  • 五级用户 失眠暴力卡卡 2022-10-17
    0 7
    woshikay 应该收到这个邮件的会提前发吧,我才下单半个月估计没戏。
  • 二级用户 lilarcor 2022-10-19
    0 8
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