RT,城通网盘下载链接:https://url99.ctfile.com/f/37484099-623522005-d7c5b5 (访问密码: 3205)
原简介:Compiled from the folder found in the bbgames archive, using commits from various dates in the repo.
The date is in the YY-MM-DD format.
The SHOW_VERSION builds included a "space_world.o" file during build, but unsure of the effect.
The iQue version included literally only 2 localized files and has almost nothing localized yet.
Built using N64_SDK_RHL9_v2.iso on Red Hat 9 (shrike-i386).
Thanks and credits to crashoveride for that.
【4月3日更新】神游汉化游戏存档修复版 神游机/iQue Player/N64下一篇:
分享一套Hardcore Gaming 101的书和游戏机图鉴英文原版~